Our mission is to bring awareness on human trafficking, sexual assault & abuse , and homelessness. We train individuals to thrive through education, prevention and community outreach.

*Every 30 seconds another person is sold into human trafficking
*Average victim age is 12 and up
*Once victims are entered into this kind of lifestyle they
have a 1-2% chance of ever being rescued.
*Victims experience severe trauma when sold for sex.
On an average, the victims are sold 40 times each day!
*This is NOT a choice, they are tricked into this lifestyle
most often by a romantic partner or false job offer
* 1 in 3 Women & 1 in 6 Men will experience some form of sexual violence.
91% of sexual assault victims are female
63% of sexual assaults are not reported to police
*Every 73 seconds an American is sexually assaulted
*Every 9 minutes a child is sexually assaulted